
Upgrade Your Swimming Pool With These Additions

A swimming pool is a great investment that pays off when enjoyed by family, guests and yourself. While it already has entertainment value, you can increase it by including accessories and additions that can enhance the experience. Once you gather the necessary maintenance and safety equipment, you can make your pool even more fun with the following features.

Water Slides 

Do you want to recreate an exciting water park experience without leaving the backyard? Adding swimming pool water slides Orange County is a cost-effective solution. You and others can enter the pool in a thrilling, splash-making manner. Consider the pool’s design and the surrounding space before you plan. Work with professionals to construct it near the deeper end of the pool for safe use. If you want a milder pool entry device, you can also choose a diving board.

In-Pool Furniture

When you hear about pool furniture, you usually think about chairs and tables around the pool. However, there are in-pool options that are either built into the pool or are floating accessories. Some of these items include:

  • Chairs and stools
  • Tables
  • Umbrellas
  • Beds and couches
  • Food and drink holders

In-pool additions have the major advantage of being built with water-proof materials, as opposed to the wood, metal and plastics found in regular pool and patio furniture. You can also enjoy all their benefits without leaving the pool, especially if the water feels appealing.

Pool Lighting 

Underwater lights are major assets to your current pool system for a couple of reasons. First, they make the pool area more visible at later hours. Anyone can swim safely at night or even walk nearby without a problem. Second, pool lighting provided by LED products gives your pool a unique ambiance that complements the rest of your landscape.

Your pool is already an ideal entertainment location, but there is always room for improvement. Upgrade it with these additions to truly get your money’s worth.

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